Single lever sink mixer taps
Single lever sink mixer taps Rock Paffoni Rock

Paffoni Rock Single lever sink mixer taps Rock

Single lever sink mixer Rock by Paffoni

Rock burst into the world of music, bringing something never heard before, something captivating, bringing together classic and traditional elements but producing a new and lively sensation. Likewise, the Rock series is born from an experience of classic and discreet form, but elaborates its lines to produce something ingenious: innovative geometries embellish the context as a solo enriches a melody. This series presents itself with a decisive punch, with energy and character, almost aggressive; but tempered in its character by its rounded lines, which harmoniously blend round volumes and straight lines.

Single hole sink mixer complete with:

M22x1F aerator
Set of 2 stainless steel 3/8 "G hoses.

Delivery time: To consult
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